Friday, March 16, 2007

This Blog is Banned in China!

The ban may not extend to all of China and there are ways to get around it, but what a surprise this morning when I typed the url "" into the search box on, a new website that allows you to check if sites are censored in China.

The message I got back was "Your URL is Blocked!"

Was it something I said? Or just the fact that I want my readers to be informed consumers of health information? Is that too dangerously close to being an independent thinker for a timid censor's taste?

Or is it all just some kind of weird technical error, as admits is a possibility? Maybe the censorous servers of China don't like the fact that is a domain-forwarding site that points you to (I did that to make it easier to recall the url.) Too phishy?

At any rate, it shows once again the value of a free press--not just with respect to political news but to any kind of information, including health information.

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